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Tile Styles Inspired by your Favorite Big Bang Theory Characters

Television has infiltrated the hearts and homes of billions of people across the globe, and even for those who wouldn’t consider themselves fanatics, the popularity of particular sitcoms is too hard to ignore, but what of the way viewers have infiltrated the homes of these much-loved characters?

A few years ago, The Big Bang Theory was among the most-watched television programs. Sheldon and Leonard’s apartment served as the show’s primary location. One of the key characters of the show resides on the fourth floor. If you are a big fan of The Big Bang Theory, here are things you could get to make your home look like the set of The Big Bang Theory.

Not everybody likes modern interior design quirks and trends; some also love to create a charming, throw-back vintage look when decorating their homes, and we are totally on board with that bold & beautiful old-school decor.

When you look for tiles in the market today, you will mostly find sleek neutral colors, but years ago, the tiles were covered with vibrant colors, intricate patterns, and bold figures. These tiles were used to enhance the look of the house. And as people have started to appreciate the styles and fine handiwork of the past, retro-patterned tiles are gaining popularity in the interior designing world.

You may not be able to have a friend like Sheldon Cooper, but you can certainly create a space that will even make someone as picky as him comfortable when you decorate it. Installing vintage Victorian tiles might not seem practical in the modern-day, so you can go for vintage-looking tiles. These Vintage Ceramic Tiles are great as you get the durability of ceramic tiles with the patterns popular during the old days to make them look more vintage. Apart from the bold colors and intricate designs, the pattern in which tiles are installed also gives them a vintage look.

The main living room and the dining room of Sheldon and Leonard’s house has Wooden Tiles where the gang is often seen chilling. This is one of the best iconic props you can borrow from the show. We all love wood accent wall design, and when it has that rustic, salvaged characteristic, well, there is nothing more beautiful. The Vintage Wood tiles make the perfect accent wall for your living room; it will leave your guest in awe every time they come to visit you.

Another easy way to make your home more like the set of The Big Bang Theory is random superhero posters. Of course, if you are committed to replicating this look, you will need vintage flooring tiles, to prove Leonard wrong at any given time. One thing that comes to mind is Terracotta Tiles. Terracotta Tiles are the best retro floor tiles that give your home the flooring that is durable and pretty. They are probably one of the oldest vintage-style floor tiles available in the market these days.

We love Penny and her perfectly cute and eclectic bedroom. The quirky and clashing colors, funky homewares and plush fabrics really make it a cozy little haven. Yes, she may be a bit messy, but hey, when you are that cute…who cares! Although it may look at first glance to be more of a child’s room, once you take a closer look you realize the stylist has very cleverly merged funky thrifty finds with classic design. Therefore, Mediterranean Tiles are classic examples for Penny’s intrinsic bedroom; they are known for their bold colors and intrinsic designs. It is the perfect example of the beauty of Victorian design. You can use these anywhere, be it a kitchen, bathroom, or living room. If you use these tiles in your shower, it will create a beautiful antique bathroom accent wall tile.

Big Bang Theory home decor has truly made the word “geek” in fashion. Formulas, not rules! You can take the tiles you love and pull them together with a broader formula instead of a hard and fast rule. At Naveen Tile, we can help transform your home inspired by your favorite TV shows. To know more about our products, visit us at www.naveentile.com.
